Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Glass Etch Pyrex

My husband's grandmother had her Pyrex professionally etched; I loved the idea, but since we are poor graduate students I decided to learn how to do it myself.

Contact Paper
Painter's Tape
Glass Etching Cream (I used Armour Etch)
X-acto Knife

*Read the directions on the Glass Etching Cream bottle*

Step 1: Clean Glass with Windex
Step 2: Cover bottom outside surface with contact paper. (Make sure you smooth out all bubbles.)
Step 3: Use Painter's Tape to attach your printed design to the top of the contact paper. Make sure you flip the dish right side up before etching to double check it reads in the right direction. I printed my name off regular and worked through the backside of the paper as you can see.
Step 4: Use X-acto knife to cut out design, making sure you use enough pressure to also cut through the contact paper. As long as your blade is sharp it shouldn't take much pressure.
Step 5: Remove pattern and tape. If your contact paper margins are close to the edge of your design it doesn't hurt to apply an outside layer of painter's tape to prevent etching cream from getting on the rest of the dish. I had ample room so I chose not to this time.
Step 6: Apply etching cream with spoon. Spread back and forth and up and down. Allow to sit for about 15 min. The bottle says only 5 or so but I have found better, more even results from waiting the extra 10 min.

Step 7: Admire your work. Give yourself a pat on the back...and DARE anyone to take your dish by accident at the next church dinner. Now, whenever you take someone a meal they won't have to remember what dish was yours and what belonged to someone else!


  1. I love this!! Makes me wish our last name wasn't so darn long ;)

  2. I love it! And wouldn't that make a great wedding gift!?
