Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tissue Paper Covered Vases

I am in the process of redecorating our bedroom.  I am tired of it feeling like a college dorm room now that we have been in our apartment for 7 months.  Problem?  We are low budge people due to graduate school.  I had dreams of making one of those fabric covered headboards set in a wooden casing with bookshelves on the sides that I saw in an issue of Martha Stewart Living, but sadly THAT will have to wait.  
So, I settled with some shelves that I bought at the thrift store.  Jason spray painted them brown for me.  I will have him mount them above our bed....hopefully, it will look as good as it does in my head.  I have been acquiring and making things to go on the shelves.

Today I was walking around the dollar store and I found these glass vases.  I remembered back to a church girls' camp project from, literally, half my lifetime ago and decided to do this.

Mod Podge
sponge brush
glass vase
tissue paper

How to:
(Make sure the glass is clean before starting.)
Step 1: Cut your tissue paper pieces to the desired shapes and sizes.
Step 2: Apply a thin, but complete, layer of Mod Podge to a portion of the glass.
Step 3: Stretch out the tissue paper over the portion of the vase with Mod Podge on it...smooth out the paper as much as you can. (My gold pieces I let wrinkle a bit because I liked the wrinkled gold look.)
Step 4: Continue, overlapping each piece a little bit so that you don't get blank spots.  Don't forget to apply a little Mod Podge to the portion of paper you will be overlapping.

Step 5: Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the whole thing after you finish covering the vase with the tissue paper.
I'll post before and after pictures of the bedroom after I finish all of the projects, but that might be a while....

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