Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carter's Shirt

I had so much fun making Avery's shirt from Dana's MADE tutorial that I made one for Carter too!
Go here for the 90-minute shirt tutorial.
Isn't he so handsome?  I plan on having him wear this shirt for the family pictures we plan on taking sometime when it at least isn't freezing outside eventhough the snow will probably still be around.
Yes, that is Carter trying to get his thumb in his mouth.  Despite all of my efforts he is a thumb sucker.
Here is the argyle detailing.  I sewed around each diamond as close to the edge as I could.  I applied a piece of fusible interfacing to the back before I hand stitched the lines.  I used black DMC floss for the lines.  I LOVE how this shirt turned out!

And a few more pictures just because he's so darn cute.

Carter doing the robot...or maybe falling.


  1. awesome, how long did that take? I love it, i just don't know if I have the patience.

  2. umm...it is called a 90 min shirt but probably took me more like 4 hrs when you include pattern making, cutting, etc.

  3. You made this one, too? You are a machine! :)
